Causes des cheveux secs et cassants


By Léna

Having healthy and shiny hair has never been easy. In fact, our ancestors have created a thousand and one methods and recipes to improve the appearance and health of their hair, some work, but others don’t.

Heat and dehydration are the main causes of dry and brittle hair.

One of the main causes of dry and brittle hair is heat  . Day in and day out, women use hair straighteners and dryers to style and straighten their hair.

These tools can make curly or frizzy hair smooth and beautiful in just a few minutes. However, the bad news is that in the long run, this turns out to be a deadly weapon, because in the end, you get dry and brittle hair.

Another cause is summer, not summer itself, but the habits we have at this time of year, such as  exposing ourselves for long hours to UVA rays, chlorine, the sea, …  all this influences the fact of arriving in September with dry and brittle hair. that requires constant treatments to improve its appearance.

Hair, like the body and skin, must be well hydrated to be beautiful. Therefore, not maintaining an unhealthy diet will lead to dehydration of the entire body and the hair will not be free either. To avoid this, there is no other solution than to eat foods rich in vitamin A, protein and essential fatty acids.  And don’t forget to drink plenty of water!

10 Tips to Prevent Your Hair from Becoming Dry and Brittle

Use a moisturizing shampoo

It may sound simple, but each type of shampoo works differently. Shampoos that contain sulfates or alcohol can strip away too much of your hair’s natural moisture and make it too dry.
Look for a shampoo that is specifically moisturizing, nourishing, or conditioning. Shampoos that contain oils are especially effective at moisturizing and treating frizzy or dry hair; you should look for a shampoo that is sulfate- and alcohol-free and contains nourishing oils.

Don’t wash your hair too much

Somehow, many of us have gotten into the habit of washing our hair daily as part of our hair care routine. This could be a problem.
Daily washing takes a toll on our hair and can definitely make it brittle and dry out your natural lubricating oils. Dry shampoo works, although people with dry hair don’t really need it between washes.

Use a moisturizing conditioner

We all know that conditioner is essential in the shower to prevent dry hair, but just like shampoo, the ingredients are crucial.
Look for one that contains plant oils and has a creamy consistency rather than runny. This will likely mean it contains plenty of nourishing oils rather than added water.

Use intensive treatment from time to time

It can be fun to make your own intensive treatment with coconut, almond, macadamia or jojoba oil, perhaps with a little bit of your favorite essential oil for scent, although this can be messy and cause cleanup problems! It’s easier  to use an intensive treatment  that you can buy on the market.

Do not apply too much heat

After going to all the trouble of  avoiding dry hair  , don’t throw it all away by applying too much heat to your hair with a blow dryer or other styling tools.
Keep it as brief as possible, on a low heat setting, and protect your hair with a conditioning oil beforehand, as long as it’s light and creamy in texture rather than thick and greasy.

Come back, butter, all is forgiven!

Shiny, healthy hair comes partly from within. The trend towards low-fat and fat-free eating has been debunked and there is growing recognition that healthy fats, in the right proportions, are essential to the health of our entire body, including of course our hair.

Protect your hair from the elements of nature

Direct sunlight causes your hair to lose its colour, suppleness and shine. The solution is simple: use a sunscreen spray or mousse or, even simpler, wear a hat, turban or scarf when going out in the sun.
On the other hand, stuffy indoor environments with central heating can also cause dryness, so try to keep the environment humid with a humidifier or houseplants and by occasionally opening the windows.
If you swim in the sea, rinse your hair with clean water as soon as possible to prevent hair from becoming dry from too much dehydrating salt.

Also protect your hair from unnatural elements

One of the main culprits for dull, lifeless hair is the chlorine found in swimming pools and, to a lesser extent, in household tap water.
When swimming, wear a hat or, if you can’t stand the look of it, rinse your hair immediately afterward. If your tap water contains a lot of chlorine, keep in mind that a carbon filter could help.

Cut your hair frequently

It doesn’t have to be a drastic haircut or change, but trimming the ends by an inch or so every couple of months will really help keep your hair healthy.
Dry, frizzy hair is usually more problematic at the ends, so a light trim will take care of the worst area.

Avoid hairstyles that tire your hair

If you ever tie your hair with a rubber band, don’t do it! It’s very obvious, but if you normally wear your hair in braids, ponytails, hairpieces or dreadlocks, these are hairstyles that, in addition to pulling the hair from the hairline to the scalp, also stretch and tighten each hair. This inevitably makes hair brittle and coarse. Try to alternate complicated hairstyles with more natural and simple ones or reserve them for special occasions.

You will have to choose carefully the products you are going to use to wash your hair, these must be adapted to your hair type, a shampoo for curly hair will not work for straight hair, or a shampoo for dry hair on oily hair.
At this point, we recommend the  Maple Remedy range from Original Remedies  , composed of shampoo, mask and cream oil, a respectful remedy from the most luxuriant forests of Canada that combines two of the most authentic ingredients of nature: the restorative power of maple sap and the nourishing properties of Almond Oil to restore all its vitality and softness to your hair.
By following these instructions, you will be able to say goodbye to dry and brittle hair in a short time, and thus start enjoying spectacular hair.